Looking Forward

Well, I did it this week. I finally mailed off my Form 52--the form that informs the governement that I will be retiring as of June 9, 2008. It is the first actual piece of paper I have submitted toward retirment and of all the paperwork associated with retiring, it is the most important.

So, I walked out of the Post Office with a sense of lightness.

I am done. Only eight more days of actual work left for me--spread out over the next month or so as I am taking several weeks off next month. Eight more days and a career that began more or less by accident back in July of 1975 will have reached its conclusion.

I feel real good about that

I am excited about getting my life back. I was unemployed for eight years after we moved to Homer and enjoyed having time to spend with the cats, putter around the house, grow flowers and herbs, watch the day unfold around me.

It is going to be like having one long summer vacation. (If summer ever comes...)


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