My Day

In the flurry of my shared time-off with Denny, I vowed to myself that my first day off after Denny went back to work would be a "me" day--just me doing what I wanted to do. Don't mistake--the time shared with Denny was fun and productive but gosh--who doesn't look forward to a day to just laze around with no pressure to "get things done?"

Of course, with the cats, there is always a portion of my time that is dedicated to what must be done to make them comfortable (clean cat boxes) and keep them healthy (fresh water and food, insulin for Toby John, fluids for Dinky, pain-management medication for Tiny, other medications as needed...) But I consider that sort of like living on a farm--there just are certain chores that have to be done every day regardless of how you feel. Not even when I was sick in bed with the flu for two weeks (in January) did I let the cat-duties slide too much.

But I had toyed with the idea of getting up early and driving north up the Sterling Highway with the video camera and one of the film cameras, taking photos or video of some of the scenic places, etc. Maybe exploring some of the sideroads that we always by-pass on our way to someplace else. Then stopping to eat in Kenai or Soldotna and shopping at the stores there.

This idea took for granted it would be a gorgeous day.

Well, the remnants of an old tropical storm rolled in yesterday just as I was getting off work and by the time I got home, it was raining sideways. The winds abated overnight but it is still overcast/misty with occasional rain today--not good driving weather, much less suitable for photographing scenery. So I decided to stay home and knock about the house today.

I spent most of the morning catching up on my blog- and email-reading and folding laundry. As I surfed the 'net, I was repeatedly distracted by the birds outside, visiting the hanging feeders and the plywood area on top of the wood pile where I spread sunflower seeds. With this year's young now adult-sized and active, there was a fascinating variety of nuthatches, chickadees, juncos, sparrows and finches outside the window, swirling about and acting on their little rivalries. I took a few photos of the activites, and just watched and enjoyed other things--like the nuthatch who was trying to figure out how to get at the seeds in the hanging feeder. He perched atop the globe, pecking impotently at the seeds he could see through the plastic until--after watching some of the more experienced birds--he got the idea and awkwardly landed at the bottom of the feeder.

I am only about two loads from having the upstairs table cleared. I also decided to open a bit more space in the little upstairs sitting room by moving the table over to the wall. Once I figured that the boxes that house the feral cats during the day would fit under the table, there didn't seem any reason to have so much floor space taken up with a table we can rarely sit at.

As usual, I found this while looking for something else and got caught up in reading it:

Another tourist's visit to Alaska...


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