Sunday Morning

A misty morning that feels very much like autumn....

I'm working the opening shift, after working the closing one last night. We call this a "short turn-around" and this means I got about four hours of sleep last night. I woke about a half-hour before I intended to, to the sound of Bunny retching above my head.

Nothing will bring me out of a sound sleep faster than the sound of a cat puking. I jumped up, crying, "Not on the bed!" and hustled Bunny off my pillow and onto the floor beside the bed before she brought anything up. Bunny is still suffering from vestibular syndrome and so is a bit dizzy and disoriented--on top of being blind--so I steadied her with my hand while she hacked up a couple bits of white foam. Poor thing. If she still has an upset tummy when I get home this afternoon, I will give her a sliver of Pepcid, but out of consideration for her liver, I don't want to give her any more medication than is necessary.

Anyway, the commotion woke Denny up and he promptly went and fetched coffee, so any hope I had of snuggling back in for another few minutes of sleep was abandoned. An hour later, I shambled out of the house into the morning dimness and headed into town. The morning was overcast and wet, with scatter spits of rain. The weather is supposed to improve slightly this afternoon, but as is typical for this season of changes, one wild, warm, wet storm will follow another up the Aleutians to die in southcentral Alaska.

Despite having to get up before I really want to, the opening shifts on Sunday aren't that bad. The traffic is light--and this in a summer that we are remarking is not very busy--and no one is moving too early, so I can count yesterday's traffic over coffee and pull myself together undisturbed.

If it is so quiet now, at the peak of summer, imagine how quiet things will be in a month.


Musical Taste Meme


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