I wasn’t surprised to see frost on the back deck this morning—and 27 degrees on the thermometer. I thought the frost might make a good “day on earth” subject so dressed quickly so I could run outside with the camera. The rising sun was putting out enough warmth to melt the frost away almost as soon as the light hit it. I took several photos of the frost on small spruce trees and on the vehicles but didn’t see anything that jumped out at me.
That blog has as its driving concept the idea of sharing photos that span the world, but there is also subtle sense of competition or just perhaps the push to do well that makes me want to post something more telling than the generic (if lovely) scenery photos.
Out behind the greenhouse, a dead stand of cow parsnip still held a few frost crystals despite the sun’s rays but the seed heads were so high I couldn’t sight them in very well. So I just turned the camera to “Close Up”, held it pointed roughly where I thought was best and took a shot.
Wouldn’t you know that when I went back inside and downloaded the photos, it was the best of the lot.
That blog has as its driving concept the idea of sharing photos that span the world, but there is also subtle sense of competition or just perhaps the push to do well that makes me want to post something more telling than the generic (if lovely) scenery photos.
Out behind the greenhouse, a dead stand of cow parsnip still held a few frost crystals despite the sun’s rays but the seed heads were so high I couldn’t sight them in very well. So I just turned the camera to “Close Up”, held it pointed roughly where I thought was best and took a shot.
Wouldn’t you know that when I went back inside and downloaded the photos, it was the best of the lot.
