So Much For Spring
A cold front moved through last night, dropping about an inch of snow. The skies cleared behind it, in the face of strong southwesterly winds, and the temperatures remain below freezing, putting the brakes on what was a fairly steady thaw.
It is clear and windy here and snowy and dark in Anchorage, so there hasn't been much traffic today. I have been collecting photos off the web--there are some wonderful ones at the Alaska Volcano Observatory site--and then looking for pictures of my World War I aces. As usual, I got side-tracked into viewing some related webpages and now it is almost time to go home.
Our days have grown longer even as winter gives us one last (I hope) grasp before letting go. It is beginning to sink in that this will be my last spring sitting at work and watching the sun sink into the western mountains, the last spring of watching the creep of yellow-green leaves up the bluff behind town. I am retiring in June and will watch the world turn from the vantage point of the back deck. But I am glad to have had the years (thirteen--who'd have thunk it!?) here at Homer FSS.
I will be even gladder to be able to stay home with Denny and the kitties and do whatever I want without the schedule from work hanging over me. The thought--I have to go back to work tomorrow--nipping at my mental heels.
Time is the greatest gift. And at Summer Solstice, my time will once again be my own.
I guess that's Alaska!
We are beginning to get green here.
~ Patrick