Thanksgiving Eve

A fine snow filtered down from the overcast sky most of the day--not a real snowfall, just occasional small flakes--as fine as dust.

As I drove home from town this afternoon, the gray sky stretchd to a horizon defined by a band of light. Salmon-pink and orange glowed in the south and west like embers under ash.

As darkness fell, the wind picked up, a cold easterly. The temperatures fell to the mid-teens and in the twilight I watched the wood smoke from the new shop blow in pale puffs past the bedroom window.

We are hunkered down for the holiday, warm and cozy, as the quiet closes in around us.


MmeBenaut said…
This is so beautifully written Laura; it could almost be the opening paragraphs of a novel. You are writing a novel aren't you?

Happy Thanksgiving.

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