Monday, Monday

Once again, I find myself cast up on the far side of the weekend, working my last shift of my work-week before I am quite aware of it. Time is flying past so quickly, I feel like I am running at full tilt and only barely keeping my feet under me...

I need to go back and make some journal entries. I have notes jotted down for various days over the past month or so but August overloaded me, with visitors, sick cats and trapping the ferals just the most noticable of distractions.

Speaking of which, we are moving into autumn. It is September already and there was something that looked suspiciously like *frost* on the deck yesterday morning. The themometer by the back door read 36 degrees. The fireweed has all gone to cotton--the afternoon breezes carry clouds of it. I didn't check to see what the temp was this morning when I rushed out of the house at 5:25 am as it was *dark*.

At least the sunrises/sunsets are now occuring at a more reasonable hour for our enjoyment.

I'm still trying to find my feet in laying out my LJ. I had a background that I wanted to use but so far have only been able to apply it to the public version of my LJ...not the "friends-only" mode.

I am so cyber-illiterate... *sigh*

At least I can still dink around with my Movable Type blog. I uploaded some more photos this weekend...mostly close-ups I took of my wildflowers using my 2x lenses. It's hard to explain the fascination with growing things Alaskans seem to have. I suspect it is an effect of the long winters.

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