Great Barrier

Two mornings in a row of below-freezing temperatures are motivating me toward getting ready for winter. I was hoping that the clear weather would last until tomorrow, as there is a lot I need to do outdoors, but we are forecast to get rain--and possibly snow--late this evening.


"Criminal Intent" was pretty good last night. As much as I have come to loathe that character of Nichole--and D'Arbo's moist-lipped, googled-eyed portrayal of her--I was forced to concede that the story and the interaction of the characters had my attention. There was also a bit of grim satisfaction in seeing Nichole on the slab in the morgue and being able to cast my vote that she stay there.

Not that there's a ghost of a chance Dick Wolfe and the PTB will *actually* do away with the character. This particular story arc is the closest thing the writers have got to giving the fans some understated sexual angst for Bobby. There seems to be a large portion of the fan base that wants to see Goren in some sort of sexual situation and the tension between Bobby and Nichole gets them all ramped up on speculation. Vincent has been pretty adamant against letting his character reveal too much of his private life or get involved in "soapy" storyline, but this particular facet of the series seems to be devolving into pure soap, IMO. I don't find D'Arbo particularly convincing as a criminal mastermind--she doesn't make me believe she is another Moriarity. I was hoping that they would just drop juicy little Nichole as a character. I really don't want Bobby Goren to turn into just another man whose intellect is overruled by his gonads. That's not dramatic. It's not even tragic. It's pathetic. And I don't want Bobby to be pathetic.

Whatever happens, it should be interesting to see how this all plays out.


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