Summer Evening

Another hot, sunny day.


Denny called after I got to work to ask if I had heard anything from the family in Florida. I asked why I should have, not realizing that Hurricane Charley had come on shore near Ft. Myers/Marcos Island. Last I had heard, it had been messing with Key West... Denny hadn't been able to get through--phone service was out--so I pulled up the last three hours' weather from FMY and RSW. The highest wind gusts they had reported were between 64 and 67 knots--nothing too scary--we get those several times a winter here and hurricane-force winds are practically commonplace at Cold Bay--so perhaps it isn't as bad as expected.


I drove out to the harbor after work. The sun was below the bluff--just the peaks across the bay were still in daylight. Night was encroaching at the shore and mountain bases and all was softened by the faint haze of summer. It was so beautiful it made me want to cry.

The temporary Shelter is slowly coming together. I wish I could help out more with the building and sorting but most days it's all I can do to take care of my own cats and show up to work on time. Sherry hadn't done eggs yet this week but I hung out for about a half hour chatting with her and Tony until I knew I had to get home and feed cats.


So I got home in the deep twilight, expecting Skinny to be waiting for her supper but no sign of her. I opened the door and put music on, even went out on the deck to call for her but no sign of her. I put out a dish of food and checked several times before I went to sleep, straining my eyes to make her out in the darkness, but her food remained untouched.

It is Friday the Thirteenth. I hope someone hadn't decided to celebrate the occasion by shooting our happy little black cat. I know I should keep her in but she hasn't made the transition from stray to housecat yet--and I don't expect her to do so until it gets cold and rainy. The days are so lovely, I hate to shut her inside when she isn't used to it.

I hope that hasn't been the end of her.


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