Tree Wraiths

The kittens are having way too much fun with the Christmas trees. The Toe Wraiths have morphed into Tree Wraiths...

After clearing a space and setting up my brand new, pre-lighted $150 tree upstairs, I quickly reconsidered when I couldn't keep the kittens out of it. They found the novelty just too interesting to leave aone and I had visions of the little demons clawing or chewing through a wire and ruining the whole tree--and themselves.

So, in a flash of inspiration, I moved the new tree downstairs and set up the old tree upstairs, thinking to distract them from one novelty with another. Silly me--why would they settle for one novelty when they could have two?

I left both trees undecorated for a while in the hope that they would lose their novelty over time. That never happened, so I ended up putting non-breakable decorations on the upstairs tree and break-resistant things on the one downstairs. They enthusiastically remove glass icicles and beads from the tree upstairs and use the one in the dining room to get up to and down from the window sill. I am bending the branches back into position daily. Still, I have the hope that next year this time--as sober adults--they will confine themselves to sleeping underneath.

We shall see.

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