
I guess I should feel guilty that I wish all and sundry of the cats "Happy Birthday" here but completely slighted my brother, David. So, Happy Birthday, Bro, a bit late. I *was* thinking about you...

Of course, the cats have much fewer birthdays than we do, as a rule, so each one must be that much more meaningful--at least to those of us who count time by calendars.

I sometimes wonder who the world must appear to a kitten born in the spring or summer when their first winter comes The lush green world grows colder and darker and they have no inkling that those golden days of kittendom will ever return. The world has become an unwelcoming place. So what a miracle, seen with fresh eyes, it is when spring returns.

No wonder Lola and Clarence have been so enamoured of sitting in the cat condo and just watching the world turning green.


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