Sweet Sixteen

Happy Birthday, Johnny!

Johnny seemed brighter this morning. he greeted me, clear-eyed, when I went to his bed and he moved around the shop a bit after I gave him his medication. He sniffed at some food but didn't want to eat, even when I offered him some birthday shrimp. I gave him a few small tastes but didn't force-feed him. Up to a point, his desire to fast might be beneficial to fighting his infection, so I'll let him go a bit longer. If he doesn't eat tonight, I will give him some Nutri-Cal and some more fluids.

All in all, however, he seems to be feeling better and I am less apprehensive today than I was yesterday.

I woke up with a plugged head from allergies, so took a Benedryl and went back to sleep, finally waking about nine and forcing myself from bed. The alder is flowering in town and after that it will be the spruce pollen. I think I will take a Benadryl tonight before I go to bed, just to get a jump on it all.


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