The Other End of Day

After several days off, I was back to work this morning on the opening shift. I will close out the year with two of these shifts and then have the first two days of the New Year off.

I have enjoyed participating in Holidailies but realize that I wasn't prepared for the demands. While others were writing thoughtful essays or humorous entries, I was scrambling all month to get my daily post in by nine pm during a time of year when visitors and the social demands of the season were cutting into my free time.

So there were a lot of photo posts. I'm so glad my brother-in-law sent us the digital camera this spring. It has made the daily post deadline easier to meet but I'm not all that happy with the content.

But then, my pre-Holidailies posts weren't necessarily all that deep or insightful. I am just amazed that I have managed to make it through the month.

Although we are on the far side of Winter Solstice, there hasn't been a noticeable change in what time the sun comes up--I'm still clicking off the airport rotating beacon just after nine am.

I took this picture about forty minutes later of the waning winter moon riding high in the sky.

About the same time, the peaks to the south were glowing pink with daybreak.

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