
A short entry tonight. I just got out of the sauna and I'm pretty much melted.

Time was when the sauna was our main means of bathing, back before we got plumbing in the house. The sauna is a small cabin with a barrel stove out behind the house. There is a porch for changing and pegs inside for towels and robes. A large pan on top of the stove holds water which is heated by the stove then mixed with cold water in individual basins for washing and shampooing.

Even though we have had indoor plumbing for almost two decades, we use the sauna a couple times a month, especially in winter. The small bathing room around a stove is an ancient tradition in northern countries. I read once that the English word "stove" and the German word Stube (room) can both trace their origins back to the sauna. It makes sense.

I particularly like to sauna in the winter. Coming back to the house steaming through the snow in the darkness. And it is so relaxing...



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