Waiting For Warmth

We had a brief moment of hope yesterday afternoon. I looked out the upstairs patio window about four-thirty and noticed what I wasn't seeing--sunset. Instead of the slow dusk of winter, all we could see to our south was a band of gray clouds. Dared we hope for snow?

Alas, the big storm passed through the Gulf of Alaska, hitting Kodiak Island with blizzard conditions but missing the Kenai Peninsula. By midnight, the moon shone down from a star-pocked sky; reflected light from the snow cover coloring the night midnight blue.

There are rumors of snow by the end of the weekend but we have heard such things before.

Our temperatures have hovered around zero since December 27th, when the temperatures fell as the pressure rose. Under a heavy, clear dome of arctic air, we wait for some stirring in the atmosphere.

The only thing that makes it bearable is knowing that it is -45F in Fairbanks. That makes three below sound downright balmy.


Anonymous said…
Thank you for glimpse of life in Alaska and temperature of zeroF. I love your pic of feathers of ice round rim of water dish-never seen anything like that EVER before!!
However some things are the same-2 insulin jabs daily and Sub-Q for kidney insufficiency cats (twice weekly) and daily tabs for thyroid cats. Cat (esp elderly cats) chores are the same way up north or at the equator!!

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