After the Storm

What was I thinking?

I mean, signing up for Holidailies. I barely had time to do justice to the project last year. I envisioned myself inviting the community into my life and sharing the joys and the challenges of daily life in my small Alaskan town. Instead, I found myself rushed for time and often posting photos and captions instead of prose.

In the intervening year, I told myself I would do justice to Holidailies this December. Whenever I had a particular elegant turn of phrase or amusing thought, I tried to file it away to trot out during this season.

Of course, I assumed that because I was retired this year, I would have ample time to make the insightful or amusing or illuminating entries I imagined myself making.

Silly me...

Someone told me that the trouble with being retired was that what used to take you an hour to do would now take all day. I thought it was a joke but I find tasks tend to expand now to take up all available time. I just got my holiday cards in the mail yesterday and today was taken up in the continuing saga of Mr. Twitch's bout with the flu--yet another vet visit and more medications.

So here are a couple more pictures.

When I got home from town this afternoon, I worked on replacing burnt-out lights on the trees in the back yard. And for a change of scene, I took a picture looking back at the house--to the north--from the stand of spruce trees. We have ten inches of snow on the ground--over six of it fresh-fallen today.

Yet another view of the sunset. I know--but this time of year, our attention at this latitude tends to focus on the light-play taking place most of the day along our southern horizon. The late afternoon brought clearing skies behind the storm front as a suddenly brisk wind started to strip the trees of the fresh snow. The result was a glory of light and color.

It is worth clicking to enlarge....


Frank said…
That is one gorgeous picture. I'm glad to se you back this year with Holidailies.

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