Now Dash Away...

Just a very quick update before we dash away to Christmas dinner.

A quiet weather day in our neck of the woods; we are between storm systems.

The snow on the ground is upwards of ten inches now, softening the contours of the land and what lies on top of it.

A quiet day at our house. Twitch seems to be feeling very much like his old self. I am feeling more confident in his recovery now. He has become a dear companion despite being an ill-used cat with an attitude when he arrived here three years ago.

Charcoal and Punkin are still with us--something I didn't want to hope for. The infirmities of age are upon them but they are still enjoying life. That's enough to ask of 2008.

So, all my friends, it is a happy holiday at our little home. I hope the peace and light of the season are shining on you all.


MmeBenaut said…
Wonderful news about Twitch Laura. Merry, merry Christmas to you and your family of Denny and cats! We've just had our longest day of the year!

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