Off To Anchorage

I spent most of yesterday morning sitting in a dentist's chair while one of my molars was prepared for a crown. I will probably not get the permanent crown until next month but with the temporary crown I can at least eat with some measure of enjoyment.

It tried very hard to snow but just couldn't muster the energy. So it was another in a series of overcast, short days with the sun slipping behind the hill around four.

We spent the afternoon preparing for our trip to Anchorage today. It is to be a quick run up the road and back (220 miles each way) that will bring us back home by this evening barring any complications. But winter travel in Alaska requires a certain amount of caution and planning, so we had many little details to see to before we could finally call it a night.


So I am up early this morning--Alaskan time--to make this brief entry.

As some more holiday photos, here are some I took of the lighted window in our upstairs living room.

The upstairs window


Anonymous said…
The second picture, which looks sort of misty and soft-focus, is sheer magic.

I remember living in the mountains of Colorado as a kid, and having to make all-day excursions into town ahead of storms.

I'm sure it seemed much more fun then.

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